Breast reduction, otherwise known as reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure that reduces breast volume. Though many women undergo breast enlargement to increase the size and shape of their breasts, some women desire smaller breasts. According to research, the main benefit of breast reduction is that it markedly reduces the physical, social, and psychological complaints associated with large breasts . Dr. Avery C. Capone performs breast reduction procedures at our Pittsburgh plastic surgery office to help women attain proportionate, balanced breasts that look and feel natural and comfortable. Call our Shadyside office or use our online appointments tool to effortlessly schedule a consultation with Dr. Capone!
If you’re large breasted and suffer with neck, back and shoulder aches, pain during exercise, or bra indentations, you may be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery. Dr. Avery C. Capone has decades of experience performing breast reductions that reduce the volume of breast tissue, while maintaining a balanced, proportionate overall look. If you’re ready to feel more comfortable in your own skin, request an evaluation with Dr. Capone today.
A breast reduction can give you a perkier and more proportional shape as this procedure not only reduces the size and weight of your breast, but it also lifts and reshapes them. You might be a good candidate for breast reduction if you have large breasts and are experiencing the following symptoms:
It helps you avoid negative conditions experienced by large-breasted women such as:
Breast reduction also helps you enjoy activities such as jogging, walking or aerobics, which the sheer weight of large breasts can make difficult. The heavy weight of large breasts can also lead to poor posture if you slump forward in an attempt to hide overly large breasts.
Breast reduction does not cause breast cancer. There is research suggesting that breast reduction surgery may actually reduce the risk of developing advanced breast cancer. Breast cancer screening often becomes easier after breast reduction surgery. Experts have also found that nearly two-thirds of women who underwent reduction reported becoming more physically active after breast reduction, and many lost weight.
There are two main types of breast reduction surgery. Pedicle techniques are recommended for most breasts. A free nipple graft technique may be rarely advised if you have extremely large and pendulous or drooping breasts.
Advanced age is certainly not a contraindication to breast reduction. The reasons why an older woman presents for breast reduction are very similar to those for women of any other age.
Breast reduction does not cause breast cancer. There is research suggesting that breast reduction surgery may actually reduce the risk of developing advanced breast cancer. Breast cancer screening often becomes easier after breast reduction surgery. Experts have also found that nearly two-thirds of women who underwent reduction reported becoming more physically active after breast reduction, and many lost weight.
Each woman's experience is different. Because breast reduction is considered major surgery, it takes time to recover. You will be advised to hold off on exertional activities for one to two weeks and to avoid stretching, heavy lifting or intense exercise - which could impair healing - for three weeks. You will wear a soft bra over the dressings 24 hours a day for the first few weeks.
For more information about our breast lift or breast reduction procedures, schedule a consultation at our Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania cosmetic surgery center. We will be happy to discuss your breast reduction options as well as answer your questions about recovery following breast surgery. Betsy, our Patient Coordinator and our team of care experts are happy to do a consultation with you to understand your needs and help you figure out the next steps.
Our experienced care professionals are happy to assist you with any questions or comments.
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